Contractor Safety Orientation


Safety Orientation Exam

Safety Orientation Exam
First & Last
1. Select 2 tasks that need to be done prior to any Contractor beginning work at SIRE?
2. What is the Posted Speed Limit on SIREs Property?
3. When do you need to wear a Seat Belt?
4. What does A.C.E.S. stand for?
5. The following are prohibited at SIRE: (check all that apply)
6. Regarding SIREs Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO) Policies, select the following that apply:
7. How many levels does the SIRE Hot Work Permit Program have?
8. What is required always during Hot Work at SIRE?
9. Confined Space Entry requires the use of a minimum four gas air monitor. Which of the following are detected to determine if the atmosphere is safe for entry?
10. What are the Electrical Hazard Requirements at SIRE? (check all that apply)
11. Who is responsible for providing Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for any chemicals brought onto the plant property?
12. Housekeeping is a priority at SIRE. Who is responsible for picking up and cleaning up after their work is done for the day?

I have individually completed the SIRE Safety Orientation Training and understand and acknowledge the company policies and procedures presented therein. I further acknowledge that any violation of SIRE Contractor Safety policies or procedures could result in my immediate removal from SIRE property and if applicable, subject me to further legal action. I am aware that if I have any questions, I can contact the SIRE Control Room at (712) 352 -5022 or (712) 366-0392 ext. 222.

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